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This statement has been published in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps taken by JBS Global (UK) Ltd for the 2023 calendar year, to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its own business operations and supply chains.


Modern slavery exploits millions of people globally, for the commercial or personal gain of the perpetrators. Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to lure victims into trafficking situations against their will.

JBS Global (UK) Ltd has a zero-tolerance approach to both modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to implementing robust measures, to safeguard against any form of modern slavery or human trafficking within our company or our supply chains.

Due to the worldwide nature of our business, we acknowledge the complexity of global supply chains and the potential risks associated with them. We understand that the agricultural and food production sectors can be vulnerable to modern slavery and human trafficking due to factors such as seasonal labour, subcontracting, and geographical remoteness. To mitigate these risks, we have built close, longstanding partnerships with key suppliers, promoting integrity and transparency in our products and services. A very significant proportion of our goods are sourced within the JBS SA Group, which enhances the knowledge and trust we have in our supply chains.

Key Focus Areas

In 2023, we:

  • Used SEDEX to share ethical and sustainability performance transparently with clients and suppliers.
  • Provided training to all new colleagues, to raise awareness of the signs of modern slavery and human trafficking, and to equip them with the knowledge and tools to report any concerns.

Business and Operational Structure

JBS Global (UK) Ltd is an importer and distributor of meat and meat products, established in Borehamwood, UK. We procure from JBS SA entities and other leading food businesses. Our suppliers are located predominantly in Australasia and North and South America. Our customers include retailers, manufacturers and wholesalers in the UK and EU.

We are wholly owned by our ultimate parent company, JBS SA, which is headquartered in Sao Paolo, Brazil, and which employs 250,000 colleagues globally.

  • Operating in 30+ countries
  • Employing 34 workers directly
  • Working with more than 50 leading suppliers
  • Supplying over 400 customers in UK and EU

Reporting and Accountability

We have clear reporting lines for employees and suppliers to report any suspicions or concerns related to modern slavery and human trafficking. We will investigate any reports promptly, and take appropriate action, including termination of relationships with suppliers found to be in violation of our standards.

Due Diligence

JBS Global (UK) Ltd conducts due diligence on existing and potential new suppliers of food and subcontracted services. Suppliers are assessed for their suitability, taking into consideration third party accreditation, their own policies on modern slavery and human trafficking, working conditions for their staff and their reputation in their field.

The Commercial Directors and Operations Director oversee the selection, onboarding, and ongoing management of our network of suppliers and service providers. This oversight is supported by the Managing Director and Senior Management Team, who are committed to using ethical and reputable partners in all facets of our business.

Responsible Recruitment

As an office-based distribution business using 3rd party logistics (3PL), our team of colleagues is relatively small and close-knit. We recruit new staff members for our offices directly, or via trusted recruitment consultants. Our Employee Handbook outlines expectations on both Employer and Employee, as well as Whistleblowing and Grievance procedures should they be required. JBS Global (UK) Ltd is an Equal Opportunities employer, with a strong commitment to staff wellbeing.

Training and Awareness

All our staff are trained to understand what constitutes modern slavery and human trafficking, and on the areas in our supply chains that carry an element of risk of these occurring. This awareness enables JBS Global (UK) Ltd to:

  • be risk-based in our decision-making,
  • minimize the possibility of exposure to, and association with, the criminals involved in modern slavery and human trafficking.

Collaboration and Partnership Working

As a trading business, we are only as effective as our relationships with our suppliers, customers, and service providers. Our continued membership of SEDEX, as a tool to share information with partners, demonstrates our commitment to transparency and sustainability in our supply chains.

Authorised by

This statement was approved by the Board of JBS Global (UK) Ltd. – 15th February 2024Nick Sherwood Signature

Nicholas Sherwood Managing Director

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