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Seara’s China Mission: StrengtheningPartnerships and Enhancing ProductQuality

Seara’s China Mission: StrengtheningPartnerships and Enhancing Pro...
From August 24th to August 30th, Seara’s plant managers from Brazil, includingDaniel De Ávila and Marcelo Siegmann, embarked on a mission to China.Their visit aimed to collaborate with the local team and key clients, focusing onimproving product quality and exploring strategie ...
WOFEX 2024: Connectionsin the Philippines
Seara, alongside Friboi, proudly participated in the 2024 World Food Expo (WOFEX),the largest and most anticipated food and hospitality trade show in the Philippines.The event, held from August 7th to 10th at the World Trade Center and SMXConvention Center in Manila, attracted a ...
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2ND Quarter 2024
On August 14th, JBS held another edition of the ’Coffee with the Presidents, promoting employee integration and discussing the results for the second quarter 2024. Gilberto Xandó, CEO of JBS Brazil, highlighted the role of Culture in the Company’s success. He emphasised that ...
AVD 2024
Here at JBS, what guides us to success is our Culture. Performance Evaluation is the TIME TO LOOK AT HOW WE ARE ACTING AND DOING things that happen in our daily lives and ask ourselves: Are we aligned with our Values, our way of being and doing? Evaluation 360° The objective is ...
Brazilian Embassy in Bahrain Welcomes Visit fromSeara & Friboi Repre...
On July 23rd, Ms. Camila Costa, Regional Manager for the Bahrain market, and Mr. Bruno Correa from Friboi’s commercialteam visited the Embassy of Brazil in Bahrain.Ambassador Adriano Silva Pucci expressed his gratitude for their visit. He affirmed the Embassy’s commitment tof ...
Seara at the Saudi Food Show2024 in Riyadh
Seara proudly participated in the second edition of The Saudi Food Show 2024, held in Riyadh from May 21st to 23rd. This year’s event, which doubled in size compared to its 2023 debut, attracted a large audience and showcased the growing importance of the food industry in the r ...
Seara & Friboi at SIPSA FILAHA &AGROFOOD 2024 in Algeria
For the first time, Brazil participated as an exhibitor at the SIPSA FILAHA & AGROFOOD 2024 trade show, held in Algiers from May 20th to 23rd, with support from ABPA (Brazilian Animal Protein Association) and ABIEC (Brazilian Beef Exporters Association). Seara and Friboi prou ...
Seara in participated in APAS 2024
In May, Seara participated in APAS, na important event that brings together key companies in the food industry. Additionally, in August, the Americas team attended one of Brazil’s largest poultry and swine farming fairs, SIAVS.
Cimandis Trade Show,Guernsey (part of TheCaterfood BuyingGroup)
This event was an opportunity for end users (restaurants, pubs, takeaways, etc.) to try our products. It was a great event to gauge how our products were received by the end users. The feedback on our product lines was very positive.
Festival Brasilin Tokyo
Seara Japan once again sponsored the event held by the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Japan, the 17th edition of the Festival Brasil, on July 20th and 21st at Yoyogi Park in Tokyo. The festival is the biggest Brazilian event in Japan, according to organizers, and is also known ...
Seara Pork Frankfurt Tasting Event inMEIDI-YA Stores
With the cooperation of MEIDI-YA, a Japanese upmarket grocery store chain committed to offering the highest quality of gourmet foods and beverages, Seara Japan held a tasting event in three MEIDI-YA stores (Tamagawa, Ebisu and Hiroo Store) to promote the Pork Frankfurt in the fir ...
Tesco Meeting
On August 8th, Seara had a successful meeting with Tesco’s Buying Manager for Frozen Meat and Poultry. During the session, we presented an engaging and informative slideshow about Seara, showcasing our brand’s strengths and product offerings. We also conducted a tasting sessi ...

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